English 169, Lecture 1
With Prof. Schaub, Spring 2007
Teaching Assistant: Emily S. Yu

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Running Circles

Per Ryan B:

The theme of running goes full circle in the book, as Abel participates in a running race in the beginning and the end of the novel. Running also is significant in the maturation process of two of the characters, Franciscoc and Abel. Also, Abel assumes the role of the leader of the family traditions during the race. Running symbolizes so many things in the book. Can anybody think of other things that running is meant to symbolize?


Sammy Roberts said...

As we discussed in lecture today running was important at the beginning and then at the end of the book. In the beginning, running symbolizes Abel running from the unknown, trying to settle in. In the end, it is shown that Abel has finally fit back into soceity by the fact that he is running with others.

Sarah said...

My interpretation of running in the novel, specifically for Abel, was running to get rid of his treacherous past, and to look ahead to the future. At the end of the book Abel was running from everything he has experienced while he was away and he was running to grieve the loss of his grandfather. It was also, as previously stated, a notable adjustment when Abel began running with others, and even when he tripped and fell in the snow he continued running, showing that he was also running away from his shyness.

Jacob Stauber said...

Running could also represent the preservation of Abel's culture. I agree with the last comment that he is running to escape his past and focus on the future. In a sense, one could say that the torch has been passed on to Abel and he is running to carry the traditions of his ancestors on into the future.

abilgri said...

In the beginning I took running to symbolize freedom or kinship with nature. I think my impression of this has less to do with what was being said than how it was said. The book has that melodic rhythm to it that seems very peaceful and free.

Alidz Oshagan said...

I think that Abel runs away from his identity and then runs back to it. He at times accepts it and wants to keep it and other times wants to change it and leave.

Cathy T. said...

In the beginning of the novel, Abel is running away from his Native American culture and his roots due to the modern culture. Towards the end of the novel, the symbol of running occurs again and shows the importance of Abel's Native American culture in his life. In that way, Abel is running back to his roots and culture because he knows it is essential in his life. The symbol of running and coming back to his roots and culture is also a way for Abel to remember his grandfather, Francisco.

Andy said...

I also think running shows the characters changing and growing. When they run they rely solely on themselves, because in essence that’s what running is. They pit themselves against nature and man with only their bodies as support. At the end Abel finds he is in no shape to run, but by determination and strength of will he carries on. It’s like he’s in a fight on a spiritual level with himself. The feeling of euphoria at triumphing over oneself at such a basic stage is powerful, especially when the victory is linked to culture and past. When Abel races at the end, he may also be communing with his grandfather in the way he was never able during the man’s life.

sam said...

Well, since the book starts and ends with the same run the novel itself is a circle. Completion is somethings that Native Americans hold very close. Many of their ceremonies involve the alpha and the omega; the beginning and the end of the circle. Running is an ancient movement and the Native Americans cherish the actions and words of their forefathers. Running is symbolic of the ancient circle.

L Boisits said...

I think that Abel running at the end of the book could also be symbolic of him getting the torch passed to him by his grandfather. Throughout the story Francisco recalls runnings. Maybe by having Abel running at the end after the grandfather has died, Hansberry is trying to signify Abel taking the role of his grandfather in the family.

Nicole said...

Running in this novel is symbolizing Abel running because of uncertainty and not wanting change. He can't adapt to the changes in culture and society, so by running away, he can keep his same values and culture that he is use to.