Making fun of Brenda
Per Sammy R:
As the professor discussed in lecture this Monday, Neil constantly makes fun of Brenda. Examples are Brenda: "I had my nose fixed.", Neil: "What was the matter with it?", Brenda: "It was bumpy.", Neil: "A lot?" and Brenda: "Oh break the goddamn things. I hate them.", Neil: "Why don't you have your eyes fixed?". We came up with a couple possible reasons for this constant teasing in class, such as he's simple and/or practical. However, what's your personal feelings about why Neil makes fun of Brenda thoughout the story?
I think that Neil feels that in reality, Brenda is way above him in class, confidence and physically, so he teases her in an attempt to level the desparity between them. Additionally, I think this is a release of all the negative feelings he really has about her that he surpresses in an attempt to allow himself to be- or perhaps prove to himself that he is- in love with Brenda.
Is Neil attempting to "tease" something out of Brenda? What would that be? What kind of reaction does he expect? What kind of reaction would he like? dislike? Why?
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