Bone and History
In the same way that Momaday incorporates Native American tradition and history into House Made of Dawn, how does Ng incorporate Chinese tradition and history into Bone?
English 169, Lecture 1
With Prof. Schaub, Spring 2007
Teaching Assistant: Emily S. Yu
In the same way that Momaday incorporates Native American tradition and history into House Made of Dawn, how does Ng incorporate Chinese tradition and history into Bone?
Posted by
L Boisits
2:20 PM
In "Bone" everything is about the chinese tradition with the American way of life. evryone in the story is presumed to be chinese and if not then they are the other. white. I think the story as a whole is not about assimilation the the white way of thinking but the chinese tradition trying to remain.
Chinese traditions are evident in deciding how to procede with Ona's funeral arrangements. Leon wants everything to adhere to strict Confucian ideals in an attempt to lessen his guilt. Leila's struggles between caring for Mah and moving in with Mason also demonstrate the key concept of filial piety in Chinese culture.
Ng shows chinese traditions all throughout the book. The most prominent areas in which this is demonstrated in at Ona's funeral with the oranges and the customs around the New Year. This is also seen for Leon's fathers grave and how the bones were supposed to be shipped back to China. The superstition of the bones, and Mah's afair with Tommie Hom and anything else that they can blame Ona's death on shows the chinese culture in a way where there is always a reason for yours or someone elses actions.
I would say that because all the characters are chinese the novel is examining the chinese customs that are trying to evolve with the american culture. Like all immigrants, the chinese are trying become accustomed to the new life without letting go of their culture. You see this with the funeral arrangements of Leila's sister and how they continue to use the chinese language at times.
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